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Fig. 3 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 3

From: Targeting tumor–stromal interactions in triple-negative breast cancer using a human vascularized micro-tumor model

Fig. 3

VMTs recapitulate the tumor microenvironment and tumor–stromal signaling pathways of clinical TNBC. A Integration of VMT HCC1599 and VMT MDA-MB-231 with clinical datasets from three different papers reveals numerous cell types found in patients, including immune cells. B Subset shows distribution of datasets in the integrated dimensional space. C Proportion of each cell type found in each dataset. D Integration of only the cell types found in the VMT E shows that the VMT maps well to patient data. F Angiopoietin-1 receptor (TEK/Tie2) cell–cell communication comparing the strength of the signaling between the VMO and VMT + clinical samples. Sender = cell type that produces the ligand, Receiver = cell type that produces the receptor. G Expression of TEK and TEK ligand angiopoietin like 1 (ANGPTL1) in the integrated dataset. Each bar refers to the expression in a single cell. H Erb-B2 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 3 (ERBB3/HER3) cell–cell communication comparing the strength of the signaling between the VMO and VMT + clinical samples. I Expression of ERBB3 and ERBB3 ligand amphiregulin (AREG) in the integrated dataset

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