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Table 2 Pharmacodynamic results (mITT population, n = 95)

From: AMEERA-4: a randomized, preoperative window-of-opportunity study of amcenestrant versus letrozole in early breast cancer


Amcenestrant 400 mg

(n = 31)

Amcenestrant 200 mg

(n = 35)


(n = 29)

Ki67 (%)





 Day 15a




 Relative change (95% CI)b

− 75.9 (− 81.9 to − 67.9)

− 68.2 (− 75.7 to − 58.4)

− 77.7 (− 83.4 to − 70.0)

Patients with ≥ 50% reduction in Ki67 from baseline, % (95% CI)

74.2 (55.4 to 88.1)

68.6 (50.7 to 83.1)

89.7 (72.6 to 97.8)

Patients with post-treatment Ki67 ≤ 2.7%, % (95% CI)c

16.1 (5.5 to 33.7)

8.6 (1.8 to 23.1)

13.8 (3.9 to 31.7)

ER H-score


286.6 (38.1)

276.8 (37.9)

289.5 (15.1)

 Day 15d

103.7 (80.2)

84.8 (67.0)

248.8 (54.3)

 Absolute change (95% CI)e

− 176.7 (− 201.4 to − 152.0)

− 202.9 (− 226.1 to − 179.7)

− 32.5 (− 57.2 to − 7.7)

 Relative change (%)f

− 65.3 (− 100, 216)

− 68.3 (− 100, 3)

− 9.5 (− 81, 15)

PgR H-score


109.4 (90.1)

121.6 (93.5)

138.1 (102.2)

 Day 15d

56.6 (70.7)

55.1 (63.4)

38.7 (51.1)

 Absolute change (95% CI)e

− 58.2 (− 78.4 to − 38.1)

− 68.3 (− 87.4 to − 49.2)

− 88.4 (− 110.1 to − 66.6)

 Relative change (%)f

− 70.0 (− 100, 5233)

− 74.4 (− 100, 3)

− 75.3 (− 100, 13)

  1. aGeometric mean
  2. bGeometric least-squares mean (LSM), based on an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) model for the log proportional change, with treatment and log-Ki67pre as fixed effects and converted by antilog transformation. The geometric LSM of Ki67 reduction is defined as 1 − geometric LSM of the proportional change
  3. cIndicating complete cell cycle arrest
  4. dMean (standard deviation)
  5. eLSM of absolute change from baseline, based on an ANCOVA model with treatment and baseline as fixed effects. The baseline values of all participants with a change from baseline were used to calculate the LSM
  6. fMedian (minimum, maximum)
  7. ANCOVA, analysis of covariance;CI, confidence interval; ER, estrogen receptor; LSM, least-squares mean; mITT, modified intent-to-treat; PgR, progesterone receptor