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Fig. 1 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 1

From: Breast cancer survival predicted by TP53 mutation status differs markedly depending on treatment

Fig. 1

Chemotherapy-treated patients with tumors harboring TP53 mutation fare equally well or better than patients with TP53 wild-type tumors. (a) Position and frequency of the 663 TP53 mutations present in the METABRIC dataset accessed through cBioportal. (b) Overall survival curves were created for patients in the METABRIC dataset with TP53 wild-type and mutant tumors from (b) all patients; (c) those who received chemotherapy (median survival 125 vs 129 months; (d) those who received chemotherapy plus radiation (median survival 144 vs 135 months); (e) those who received chemotherapy plus radiation but not hormone therapy; (f) those who received chemotherapy plus radiation plus hormone therapy. Survival curves were created for patients with TP53 wild-type (g) or mutant (h) tumors who received chemotherapy plus radiation and no hormone therapy, or chemotherapy plus radiation plus hormone therapy. Overall survival curves were created for patients with TP53 wild-type and mutant tumors from (i) PAM50 basal-like tumor cohort that received chemotherapy plus radiation but not hormone therapy; (j) the other PAM50 classifications combined [claudin low (n = 39), HER2 (n = 50), luminal A (n = 1), luminal B (n = 6), normal-like (n = 6)] that received chemotherapy plus radiation but not hormone therapy; (k) tumor cohort classified as “triple-negative” in the three gene classifier that received chemotherapy. Statistical differences in survival curves were calculated using both the Wilcoxon test (weighs early events more heavily) and log-rank (Mantel-Cox) tests (weighs events evenly over time). Shown below each survival curve is a table containing the sample size in each arm, the mean +/− standard error of the mean (SEM) and p value (unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t test) for tumor histological grade, tumor stage, tumor size, and Nottingham Prognostic Index

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