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Table 1 Characteristics of study sample

From: Combining quantitative and qualitative breast density measures to assess breast cancer risk


Invasive breast cancer cases (n = 1720)

Matched control subjects (n = 3686)

Age, years, mean (SD)

59.5 (12.1)

59.6 (12.0)

Body mass index, kg/m2, mean (SD)

26.3 (5.7)

26.2 (5.7)

Dense breast volume,a ml, median (IQR)

57.8 (41.0–82.5)

50.7 (36.8–70.2)

Age at first live birth, n (%)

  < 30 years

856 (50.1%)

2085 (56.6%)

 None or ≥ 30 years

852 (49.9%)

1600 (43.4%)

Family history of breast cancer,b n (%)


1218 (71.2%)

2991 (81.2%)


493 (28.8%)

693 (18.8%)

History of breast biopsy, n (%)


1304 (76.4%)

3040 (82.6%)


402 (23.6%)

641 (17.4%)

Race/ethnicity, n (%)


1380 (80.3%)

3012 (81.7%)


218 (12.7%)

437 (11.9%)


34 (2.0%)

67 (1.8%)


37 (2.2%)

101 (2.7%)


50 (2.9%)

69 (1.9%)

BI-RADS breast density,c n (%)

 Almost entirely fat (a)

233 (13.5%)

731 (19.8%)

 Scattered fibroglandular densities (b)

668 (38.8%)

1557 (42.2%)

 Heterogeneously dense (c)

600 (34.9%)

1115 (30.2%)

 Extremely dense (d)

219 (12.7%)

283 (7.7%)

  1. BI-RADS Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System
  2. Data are presented as number (percent) missing for cases and control subjects for age at first birth (13 [0.2%]), family history of breast cancer (11 [0.2%]), history of breast biopsy (19 [0.4%]), and race/ethnicity (3 [0.1%])
  3. aMeasured with Volpara software
  4. bMother, sister, or daughter with breast cancer
  5. cBI-RADS breast density: a = almost entirely fat, b = scattered fibroglandular densities, c = heterogeneously dense, d = extremely dense