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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of subjects in the Clinseq and TCGA data sets

From: Determining breast cancer histological grade from RNA-sequencing data







Median age (range)

61 (28–94)

57 (26–90)

Histologic grade


Grade 1 (%)

39 (14.2 %)

64 (13.1 %)

Grade 2 (%)

121 (44.0 %)

228 (46.8 %)

Grade 3 (%)

115 (41.8 %)

195 (40.0 %)

Tumour size


≥20 mm (%)

150 (54.6 %)

317 (65.1 %)

<20 mm (%)

125 (45.5 %)

170 (34.9 %)

Lymph node status


Positive (%)

39 (14.2 %)

260 (53.4 %)

Negative (%)

136 (85.8 %)

227 (46.6 %)

ER status


Positive (%)

231 (84.0 %)

384 (78.9 %)

Negative (%)

42 (15.3 %)

102 (20.9 %)

NA (%)

2 (0.7 %)

1 (0.2 %)

PR status


Positive (%)

175 (63.6 %)

334 (68.6 %)

Negative (%)

98 (35.6 %)

151 (31.0 %)

NA (%)

2 (0.7 %)

2 (0.4 %)

HER2 status


Positive (%)

44 (16.0 %)

60 (12.3 %)

Negative (%)

225(81.8 %)

274 (56.3 %)

Equivocal (%)


108 (22.2 %)

NA (%)

6 (2.2 %)

45 (9.2 %)

KI67 status a


Positive (%)

131 (47.6 %)


Negative (%)

121 (44.0 %)


NA (%)

23 (8.4 %)


  1. ER oestrogen receptor, NA not applicable, PR progesterone receptor, TCGA The Cancer Genome Atlas
  2. aMeasurement of KI67 is not available for the TCGA data set