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Fig. 2 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 2

From: Evidence of steady-state fibroblast subtypes in the normal human breast as cells-of-origin for perturbed-state fibroblasts in breast cancer

Fig. 2Fig. 2

CAFlow resemble iCAFs and CAFhigh resemble myCAFs. a Bar plots showing mean of transcript levels of the iCAF marker IL6 and myCAF marker ACTA2 in CAFlow and CAFhigh. Asterisks (*) indicate adjusted p < 0.001. Error bars represent ± standard deviation (SD). b Heatmap representation and FPKM levels of differentially expressed iCAF and myCAF genes (≥ 5 FPKM, ≥ 1.5-fold change, adjusted p < 0.001) by RNA-Seq in CAFlow and CAFhigh. GAPDH and ACTB are included as reference genes. Color key represents the logarithm (base 2) of the CAFhigh/CAFlow ratio. c Signature scores for each CAFlow (upper) and CAFhigh (lower) cell line visualized onto Unifold Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) representations of stromal cell types reproduced from a published breast cancer single-cell RNA-Seq dataset [17]. The color keys indicate the signature scores. iCAF-like and myCAF-like in the UMAPs refer to the nomenclature used in [17], and the dotted line has been applied to visualize the approximate division of these two clusters. While the CAFlow has a representation within the iCAF-like and myCAF-like cluster, the CAFhigh is represented primarily in the myCAF-like cluster. d Dot plots showing KEGG (upper) and Reactome (lower) pathways significantly enriched when comparing CAFlow and CAFhigh signatures. Size key indicates the ratio of enriched genes to background genes (top key). Color key indicates the Benjamini–Hochberg-adjusted p-value (bottom key). Key terms in bold text

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