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Fig. 3 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 3

From: B-cells and regulatory T-cells in the microenvironment of HER2+ breast cancer are associated with decreased survival: a real-world analysis of women with HER2+ metastatic breast cancer

Fig. 3

HER2 expression, extracellular matrix signatures and spatial relationships differ between primary tumors and metastases. Figure 3 shows the mean difference in expression between primary tumors and metastases. Bars to the left indicate lower expression in metastases compared to the primary tumors. Blue bars indicate that the difference is statistically significantly lower in metastases (P < 0.05). Bars to the right indicate higher expression in metastases compared to the primary tumors. Red bars indicate that the difference is statistically significantly higher in metastases (P < 0.05). Overarching pathways are indicated by colors on top. Platform can be gene expression (yellow), TMA IHC (orange), or TMA MIF (red). Type refers to whether TMA measurements are of an individual cell type (lavender), proliferating cells (purple), or cell–cell spatial relationships (dark purple)

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