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Fig. 8 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 8

From: The BET degrader ZBC260 suppresses stemness and tumorigenesis and promotes differentiation in triple-negative breast cancer by disrupting inflammatory signaling

Fig. 8

Signaling Pathways Involved in BETd-Mediated Effects on Tumor Cell Growth and Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs). This figure illustrates the signaling mechanisms through which BETd (ZBC260) exerts effects on tumor cell growth and cancer stem cell (CSC) populations. BETd treatment leads to a dual impact: suppression of tumor cell proliferation and a decrease in CSC numbers. BETd mediates these effects through concentration-dependent modulation of critical molecular pathways. BETd induces differentiation and reduces stemness markers in a concentration-dependent manner, thus impairing CSC characteristics. Moreover, BETd inhibits stemness by downregulating inflammatory signaling molecules and STAT pathways. These effects are preferentially observed in CSCs, emphasizing the specificity of BETd action on CSCs

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