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Fig. 7 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 7

From: Single-cell RNA reveals a tumorigenic microenvironment in the interface zone of human breast tumors

Fig. 7

Epithelial cell clusters. a tSNE plots of 42,235 epithelial cells, color by relevant clusters (top) or sample type (bottom). b tSNE plots of the selected gene expressions of epithelial cell clusters from all samples. c Heatmap of the selected gene expressions for the 20 epithelial clusters (left) and percentage and total number of cells from tumor, interface and normal zones for per cluster (right). d Heatmap of expressions of epithelial lineage markers in cell lines. e Violin plot displaying expressions of the selected gene in epithelial cell clusters. f Target candidate staining of tumor, interface and normal zones. Nucleus stained by DAPI (blue), epithelial cells stained by KRT19 (green), and marker of interest depicted by IGFBP5 (red). IGFBP5, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5. KRT19, keratin 19. g Differences in pathway activity of each cell scored by GSVA between epithelial cell clusters. h Heatmap showing the number of potential ligand–receptor pairs predicted by CellphoneDB between cell types in normal tissues, interface tissues and tumor zones, respectively. i Bubble plots showing ligand–receptor pairs of TNF, HLA-F and LGALS9 between epithelial cells and other cell types in normal, interface or tumor zones

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