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Fig. 6 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 6

From: Mammographically dense human breast tissue stimulates progression to invasive lesions and metastasis

Fig. 6

Quantitative analyses of metastases in terms of metastasis-positive organ numbers and luciferase signalling. a Coloured bar graphs of the mean value of all four mice for each group for mean metastasis + organ numbers. b Averaged values of the mean number of metastasis-positive organs for each woman according to the type of input material. c Coloured bar graphs of the mean level of luciferase in metastasis-positive organs (×105 photons/second). d Averaged values of the mean luciferase load in metastasis for each woman. HMD High mammographic density, LMD Low mammographic density, DCIS cells. *P = 0.02; **P = 0.008. All bar and scatterplot graphs represent mean ± SEM; triangles indicate data value of 0

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