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Figure 1 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 1

From: Mutations in normal breast tissue and breast tumours

Figure 1

Model of clonal evolution and mutation in cancer, run as a simulation with a typical result shown. For the starting point of the model, a single cell is assumed to have acquired two mutations at a tumour suppressor locus (A), and thereby to have acquired a small replicative advantage (here, 1.01 per generation). The simulation subsequently allows mutation to occur at random in each tumour cell at oncogene loci B, D and E and at tumour suppressor locus C, at a constant rate of 2 × 10-7 per gene per generation. The selective advantage associated with activation of B is 1.05. The advantage associated with biallelic inactivation of C is 5.0, as long as B is already mutated. The advantage associated with D activation is 20.0, as long as B and C are mutated. The advantage associated with activation of E is 100, as long as B, C and D are all already mutated. These advantages are multiplicative. The lines show numbers of tumour cells at each generation with the 'genotypes' A mutant only, A and B both mutant, A-C mutant, A-D mutant, and A-E all mutant. The results show that a tumour of (nominal) size 1016 cells (y axis is log scale) with all loci mutated is readily achieved within 1500 cell generations (i.e. 30 years if, conservatively, 50 stem cell generations occur per year). Note: This model greatly understates the case for the ability of cancers to develop at a normal mutation rate because it assumes only a single genetic pathway of tumorigenesis and hence a much lower effective mutation rate than exists in reality. Moreover, action of extrinsic carcinogens may also cause the mutation rate to be raised above the 'normal' level.

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