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Fig. 4 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 4

From: Progesterone receptor antagonists reverse stem cell expansion and the paracrine effectors of progesterone action in the mouse mammary gland

Fig. 4

Induction of alternative isoforms by E + P. a The alternative splicing events including skipped exon, 5′ and 3′ alternative splice site, mutually exclusive exons, and retained intron were discovered in the RNA-seq data across the three cell lineages, using rMats package. MaSC, LP, and LM cell lineages derived from FVB mammary gland after exposure to EP. Pathway enrichment was performed to examine enriched pathways in the cell lineages using the online bioinformatics tool DAVID in differentially spliced genes (FDR < 0.1). Total enrichment score of the GO pathways as contributed by the different alternative splicing events in plotted for b MaSC, c LP, and d LM in the comparison between EP-treated mice and sham group

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