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Fig. 2 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 2

From: NRG1 fusions in breast cancer

Fig. 2

Partial genomic structure of rearrangements in MDA-MB-175 from capture sequencing and RNA fusions. Regions capture-sequenced shown as grey shading: lighter grey, 32.14–32.310 Mb, intermediate probe density; darker grey, 32.320–32.5 Mb, denser probes. All positions hg19. Solid arcs, breakpoint joins from capture sequencing, with positions of breakpoints given in bp, with direction of join and a one-letter junction identifier, e.g. on chr8, junction marked ‘32,236,901 - F’, is junction F at 32,236,901 bp, ‘-’ indicating that sequence to the right of junction is retained. Dotted arcs, possible junctions in unsequenced regions, deduced from observed gene fusion transcripts. Blue, genes with their locations in Mb and +ve or −ve strand; numbered exons shown above line for + strand genes, below for − strand genes. Red, exons in fusion transcripts; red arrows, direction of transcription of fusion. Junctions on chromosome 8 correspond to the major copy number steps shown by the capture sequencing of this region of chromosome 8 (Supplementary Figure 6)

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