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Fig. 4 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 4

From: Somatic loss of estrogen receptor beta and p53 synergize to induce breast tumorigenesis

Fig. 4

Spectrum, incidence and histopathology of mammary tumors from K14Crep53 F/F and K14CreERβ F/F p53 F/F female mice. a Incidence of different breast cancer types from K14Crep53 F/F and K14CreERβ F/F p53 F/F female mice and their human classification. b Histopathology of mammary tumors derived from K14Crep53 F/F and K14CreERβ F/F p53 F/F female mice. Histological sections of representative tumors were stained with H&E. (a, b) Carcinoma with glandular differentiation (arrows indicate gland formation). (c) Papillary carcinoma with well-defined borders and small finger-like projections (indicated by arrows). (d, e) Poorly differentiated carcinoma defined by expansive growth. Tumors in a–e resemble human high-grade IDC. (f) Poorly differentiated metaplastic carcinoma showing squamous differentiation centrally in nests (arrow shows keratin deposits). (g) Poorly differentiated matrix producing metaplastic carcinoma that contains a myxoid matrix with large cells with chondroid appearance (indicated by arrows). (h, i) Poorly differentiated carcinoma with spindle cell metaplasia consisting of either epithelial and mesenchymal components (biphasic carcinoma) (h) or largely of spindle cells arranged in crossing bundles (i). Tumors in h and i resemble carcinosarcomas in humans. Scale bars, 100 μm. ER estrogen receptor, IDC invasive ductal carcinoma

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