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Fig. 6 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 6

From: The glucose transporter GLUT1 is required for ErbB2-induced mammary tumorigenesis

Fig. 6

GLUT1 inhibition or glucose restriction prevents ERBB2-induced acinar growth. a Volumes (μm) of acinar structures grown in 17.5 mM or 2.5 mM glucose, with and without WZB117. Groups with the same letter (a, b, c) are significantly different from each other, p < 0.05 by Mann-Whitney tests. b Quantitative PCR analysis of SLC2A1 in 3D acinar cultures under various treatments. Gene expression was normalized to ACTB (actin). Representative images, taken 13 days after seeding, of acinar structures grown in 17.5 mM glucose without BB homodimerizer to activate ERBB2 (c), with BB homodimerizer, added at day 6 of culture, in 17.5 mM glucose (d), with BB homodimerizer and 15 μM WZB117 added at day 6 of culture, in 17.5 mM media (e), or with BB homodimerizer added and switched to 2.5 mM glucose at day 6 of culture (f). Scale bars in images are 100 μm

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