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Fig. 4 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 4

From: MCL-1 inhibition provides a new way to suppress breast cancer metastasis and increase sensitivity to dasatinib

Fig. 4

MCL-1 antagonism delayed tumor growth and suppressed metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer xenografts. (a) Schematic of the intraductal xenograft models and photograph of an intraductal xenograft immediately after injection of 80,000 breast cancer cells in 4 μl 0.1% Trypan blue/2% FCS in PBS. Kaplan–Meier survival curves of (b, d) time to detection and (c, e) time from detection to ethical end point (EEP) of mice bearing MDA-MB-468-2A (b, c) or MDA-MB-231-2A (d, e) xenografts fed DOX or control food. (# d) Median days. Log-rank p values. Immunohistochemistry using an antibody raised against human BIM showing the expression of BIMs2A in the tumors of mice bearing (f) MDA-MB-468-2A or (g) MDA-MB-231-2A xenografts fed DOX or control food (scale bars 50 μm). Immunohistochemistry using (h) an antibody to human high molecular weigh cytokeratin (HMWCK) in the lungs of mice bearing MDA-MB-468-2A xenografts and (i) human Vimentin in the lungs of mice bearing MDA-MB-231-2A xenografts fed DOX or control food (scale bars 100 μm). Quantitation of the average number (#) and % area of lung metastasis corrected for the levels of BIMs2A detected in the tumors of mice bearing (j) MDA-MB-468-2A xenografts and (k) MDA-MB-231-2A xenografts after mice were fed DOX or control food. All graphs are representative of three independent experiments. Bars indicate significantly significant groups, p value unpaired t tests. DOX doxycycline, HR hazard ratio (Color figure online)

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