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Table 6 Risk ratios of contralateral breast cancer associated with chemotherapy regimen

From: Systemic therapy for breast cancer and risk of subsequent contralateral breast cancer in the WECARE Study

Chemotherapeutic regimenb

CBC cases

UBC controls


N (%)

N (%)

RRa (95 % CI)

Overall P value

No chemotherapy

699 (46)

923 (42)

1.00 (Referent)


Taxanes ± any other chemotherapeuticsc

105 (7)

113 (5)

0.84 (0.57–1.24)


Anthracycline-based regimensd

291 (19)

381 (17)

0.80 (0.62–1.04)



321 (21)

629 (28)

0.67 (0.54–0.83)


Other regimensf

25 (2)

55 (2)

0.55 (0.31–0.97)



80 (5)

111 (5)

  1. aAdjusted for age at first breast cancer diagnosis (continuous), first-degree family history of breast cancer (yes, no, unknown), histology (lobular, other, unknown), stage (local, regional, unknown) and estrogen receptor/progesterone receptor status (positive for either, negative, unknown) at first breast cancer diagnosis, radiation therapy (yes, no), and endocrine therapy (yes, no)
  2. bEach regimen adjusted for the other regimens listed here in addition to all variables listed in footnote “a
  3. cDocetaxel, paclitaxel ± all other chemotherapeutic drugs
  4. dCyclophosphamide, adriamycin and/or epirubicin alone or in combination with fluorouracil and/or methotrexate. No other chemotherapeutic drugs allowed
  5. eCyclophosphamide (C) and/or methotrexate (M) and/or fluorouracil (F). No other chemotherapeutic drugs allowed
  6. fAll other chemotherapeutic drugs and combinations
  7. gUnknown not included in model
  8. CBC contralateral breast cancer, CI confidence interval, RR risk ratio, UBC unilateral breast cancer