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Fig. 4 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 4

From: Targeting IL13Ralpha2 activates STAT6-TP63 pathway to suppress breast cancer lung metastasis

Fig. 4

Targeting IL13Rα2 suppresses breast cancer metastasis to the lungs. a Representative endpoint (11 weeks) bioluminescence images of non-obese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mice injected intravenously with 5×105 MIV-Luc-shSCR or MIV-Luc-shIL13Rα2#2 cells. b Quantification of photon flux (photons/sec per cm2) and comparison of metastatic colonization in the lungs of mice injected with MIV-Luc-shSCR or MIV-Luc-shIL13Rα2#2 cells (Mann-Whitney test, P value = 0.029, n = 4). *P < 0.05. c Representative images of lungs excised after euthanasia of mice injected with MIV-Luc-shSCR or MIV-Luc-shIL13Rα2#2 cells. Yellow arrows depict the presence of large macrometastatic nodules. d Representative images from hematoxylin-and-eosin staining of 10 μm-thick sections from paraffin-embedded lungs isolated from mice injected with MIV-Luc-shSCR or MIV-Luc-shIL13Rα2#2 cells. Yellow arrow indicates the presence of a micrometastatic lesion in a lung from MIV-Luc-IL13Rα2#2-injected mice (10× magnification). IL13Rα2 interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2, shIL13Rα2 small hairpin RNA against interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2, shSCR scrambled small hairpin RNA

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