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Figure 1 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 1

From: S100A7 and the progression of breast cancer

Figure 1

The influence of S100A7 on the prosurvival and proinvasive pathways is mediated through alterations in gene expression. The interaction of S100A7 with c-jun activation domain binding protein 1 (Jab1) results in a cellular redistribution of Jab1 to become predominately localized in the nucleus, where it stimulates gene transcription. Jab1acts as a cofactor to stimulate transcription of genes regulated by the NF-κB, activator protein-1 and HIF1 transcription factors. Extracellular S100A7 may also interact with the receptor of advanced glycation of end products (RAGE) receptor, resulting in activation of signal transduction cascades and, ultimately, activation of gene transcription. S100A7 is believed to exert its effects through Jab1 and other proteins with which it forms an interaction, and one outcome is an alteration in gene transcription.

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