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Figure 2 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 2

From: Significant overlap between human genome-wide association-study nominated breast cancer risk alleles and rat mammary cancer susceptibility loci

Figure 2

Number of breast cancer risk GWA study nominated SNPs mapping to orthologs of rat mammary cancer loci or randomly selected rat genomic segments. Dark grey columns indicate GWA study nominated SNPs that map to human orthologous regions of rat mammary cancer loci. Light grey columns indicate GWA study nominated SNPs that mapped to human orthologous regions of randomly selected rat genomic regions. A) Studies by population descent. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (P <0.01). The difference between risk associated SNPs mapping to rat mammary cancer loci and random rat regions in studies of European, Asian and African-American descent populations was significant (P-values <0.01 using chi-square analysis with the number of SNPs mapping to rat mammary cancer loci set as the observed value and the number of SNPs mapping to random rat regions as the expected value). B) Associated and potentially associated SNPs identified in populations of European descent that mapped to rat regions of interest were compared using logistic regression. Threshold of association was not a significant predictor of whether a SNP mapped to an ortholog of a rat mammary cancer locus or a random rat region. ‘ns’ indicates a comparison was not statistically significant. GWA, genome-wide association.

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