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Figure 5 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 5

From: ERβ1 represses basal-like breast cancer epithelial to mesenchymal transition by destabilizing EGFR

Figure 5

ERβ1 inhibits MDA-MB-231 tumor cell invasion, dissemination and micrometastasis in vivo. Control (Lenti) and ERβ1-expressing MDA-MB-231 cells were stably transfected with pAmCyan or pCMCV-DsRed vector. A tumor cell suspension containing equal numbers of either DsRed-Lenti:AmCyan-ERβ1 cells (A) or AmCyan-Lenti:DsRed-ERβ1 cells (B) were injected into perivitelline space of 48 hpf embryos and tumor cell invasion and dissemination were detected using fluorescent microscopy at 5 dpi. The upper panels show the zebrafish 3 hpi. Arrowheads indicate disseminated tumor cells (Scale bar, 500 μm). (C and D) High magnification micrographs of A and B, respectively (scale bar, 100 μm). (E) Table showing the number of zebrafish injected with either DsRed-Lenti:AmCyan-ERβ1 or AmCyan-Lenti:DsRed-ERβ1 MDA-MB-231 cells, the number of zebrafish with disseminated human tumor cells and the number of the zebrafish with disseminated cells in different regions of the body. (F) DsRed-Lenti, AmCyan-Lenti, DsRed-ERβ1 and AmCyan-ERβ1 MDA-MB-231 cells were analyzed for ERβ1 expression by immunoblotting. (BF, blue filter; RF, red filter; GF, green filter).

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