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Figure 7 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 7

From: Selective gene-expression profiling of migratory tumor cells in vivo predicts clinical outcome in breast cancer patients

Figure 7

The prognostic significance of the human invasion signature (HIS) is not confined to basal-like breast tumors. (A) The HIS remains prognostic of outcome in patient cohorts after exclusion of basal-like tumor patients. Cox proportional hazards model analysis was repeated for the NKI295 and the UNC232 cohorts, excluding the patients with the basal-like breast cancer subtype. P = 0.00147 for NKI and P = 0.000345 for UNC (log-rank test). (B) A Pearson correlation R value was calculated to assess the relation between the HIS gene-expression pattern and the gene expression of each tumor in the UNC232 database. In the plot shown, R values for all patients are clustered by breast cancer subtype. R values above the dotted line are significant at P < 0.05. Patients with a gene-expression pattern positively correlated to the HIS appear in multiple breast cancer subtypes.

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