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Figure 1 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 1

From: Effect of dietary patterns differing in carbohydrate and fat content on blood lipidand glucose profiles based on weight-loss success of breast-cancer survivors

Figure 1

Effect of weight loss and diet on plasma triglycerides. Estimated slopesfor predicted triglycerides (TGs) based on a repeated-measures model by group andwhether weight loss was below or above the mean for the study population. Slope isthe estimated monthly change in TGs. All slopes are significantly different from0, with the exception of the control group. The Hochberg step-up procedure wasused to adjust P values for multiple comparisons within each marker.Averaging over diet, the high- versus low-weight-loss slopes are different fromeach other (P = 0.01); with averaging over weight loss, the low-fatversus low-carbohydrate slopes are different from each other (P = 0.01),and within the low-carbohydrate diet, the high-weight-loss slope is significantlydifferent from the low-weight-loss slope (P = 0.01). LFLWL, Low-fat lowweight loss; LFHWL, low-fat high weight loss; LCLWL, low-carbohydrate low weightloss; LCHWL, low-carbohydrate high weight loss.

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