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Figure 1 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 1

From: Replacement of E-cadherin by N-cadherin in the mammary gland leads to fibrocystic changes and tumor formation

Figure 1

The morphology of Ncadk.i. and Ecadk.o. mammary glands is profoundly disturbed. Carmine whole mount staining of Ncadk.i. and Ecadk.o. mammary glands revealed size differences (upper panel) and reduction of lobulo-alveolar structures compared to the controls (see insets in the upper panel). Cre recombination activity was visualized using a ROSA26 reporter and demonstrated the efficiency of the WAP::Cre transgenic line in whole mount X-Gal staining and sections. In H&E-stained sections, the collapsed lobulo-alveolar structures in mutants became apparent. Ncadk.i. mammary glands also showed pronounced accumulation of fibrous tissue around the collapsed alveoli (arrows). Scale bars: Carmine: 1 mm; Carmine insets and X-gal whole mount: 3 mm; sections: 100 μm. Control, WAP::Cre;Ecadfl/+ ; Ecadk.o., WAP::Cre;Ecadfl/fl ; H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; Ncadk.i., WAP::Cre;EcadNcad/fl ; ROSA26: reverse orientation splice acceptor 26; WAP::Cre: Whey acidic protein::Cre.

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