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Figure 3 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 3

From: Expression of truncated Int6/eIF3e in mammary alveolar epithelium leads to persistent hyperplasia and tumorigenesis

Figure 3

Mammary glands from multiparous WapInt6sh transgenic females show persistent alveolar hyperplasia. (a) Multiple focal alveolar hyperplasias (green arrows) are visible in this carmine alum stained whole mounted mammary gland from a multiparous WapInt6sh transgenic female. LN, lymph node. Magnification 10 ×. (b) A no. 4 mammary gland from a WapInt6sh multiparous female containing one focal hyperplasia at 10 × magnification. Inset panel shows the hyperplasia at higher magnification (25 ×). This gland and the gland shown in Panel A were each taken from mice with tumors in their contralateral no. 4 mammary glands. (c) Hematoxylin and eosin-stained 5 μm section through the focal hyperplasia shown in Panel B. Well defined acinar structures are visible at 100 × magnification surrounded by significant lymphocytic infiltration (green arrows). (d) Representative multiparous WapInt6sh mammary gland showing a more uniform persistence of alveolar hyperplasia. This female had three litters, the last of which was weaned 9 months before this gland was harvested.

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