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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for participation in the study

From: Pilot phase III immunotherapy study in early-stage breast cancer patients using oxidized mannan-MUC1 [ISRCTN71711835]




Postmenopausal women (no menstrual period for >12 months)


Histological proven adenocarcinoma of the breast treated primarily by modified radical or partial mastectomy and axillary dissection followed by radiotherapy of the residual breast


No more than four ipsilateral lymph nodes with metastases, not extending into the surrounding tissue and surgical margin free from disease


Tumor tissue positive for oestrogen receptor


Tamoxifen 20 mg/day commencing within 3 months of breast surgery and to continue for 5 years (provided by A. Dervos – G Dimitrakopoulos &Co OE)


Adequate bone marrow function (white blood cell count >4.0 × 109/l, haemogoblin >100 g/l, platelet count >100 × 109/l)


Adequate liver function (billirubin <60 μmol/l [that is, under three times the upper limit of normal)


Adequate renal function (creatinine <140 μmol/l)


Life expectancy >12 weeks


ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) status between 0 and 2 (In bed <50% of daytime)


Written informed consent by the patient.

Exclusion criteria

Known metastatic breast cancer


Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or investigation therapy within the preceding four weeks


Previous splenectomy or radiotherapy to spleen


Coexisting or previous other malignancies except in situ carcinoma of the cervix or basal cell carcinoma of the skin


Active uncontrolled infection


Psychiatric, addictive, or any disorder that compromises ability to give truly informed consent for participation in or to comply with the requirements of the study


Concurrent systematic corticosteroid treatment


Autoimmune disease (that is, rheumatoid arthritis, systematic lupus erythematosus; except autoimmune thyroiditis)